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Have you ever been on you local newspaper site. Find a very important news that you need to read but get welcomed with a pay wall? Well I hate those.
So will this Newsletter ever go paid? NO. NEVER!
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I’m just happy you enjoy reading my newsletter 😁
New Wacom Cintiq Pro
Wacom has released a new line of Cintiq Pro tablets in sizes of 17”, 22” and 27”.
And with that new Wacom Pro Pen 3.
I’m liking this new design way better then my own Cintiq Pro 24”. The one I have has very big bezels… Makes big an chunky.
Anyhow, these new ones don’t come with a stand. Sure the one I have did not either. But It did have flip out feet. The new ones do not.
But with my I had to buy a separate VESA adapter to be able to mount it on a arm…. The new ones either comes with 75x75mm or 100x100. A great option if you don’t want their big chunky stand but want a arm instead.
Wacom makes great products, but I don’t understand why they keep making them so EXPENSIVE! The new 17” cost more than what I payed for my Cintiq Pro 24…. Only studios can pay for these beautiful machines. While we others not so easy. We can, but we need to save up a lot!
So will I go with another Cintiq whenever this one breaks? I don’t know. I would love to, but I want a t least 22”, but that price is extreme…
Would I buy a Huion? Maybe, but at the same time I’m little scared they still messy when it comes to the software.
I know I hade problems with XP-Pen back in the day.
But I bet they both companies has gotten better over time.
But do I think Huion and XP-Pen will have same prices as Wacom in the end? Well if their quality and experience get closer to Wacom, yes I think they will. Maybe little cheaper, just to have a bigger chance to get them sold.
Where did my concentration go?
Where did my concentration go? Under the table maybe? Nope….
Concentration is one of my big problems because of my ADHD. But there is stuff out there that can help. Stuff that is not medicine.
The reason I don’t take medicine is because of all the bad stuff it can bring. But also I don’t believe it will help me. If something is boring I will never have enough energy to enter a concentration stage. No pill in the world can change that.
You need to find other things instead.
What have I found that can help?
To use noise canceling headphones and listen on something.
I prefer listen on music. I tried Podcast, but when I get into my flow I have no idea what they saying 🤣
Clean desk is another thing. No distraction like having you phone lying around where you can see it. I kind of hide my phone behind the Cintiq. If I don’t see it, its not there. So when the phone is ringing I always run around searching for it 🤪 *(and I can answer any call from my wrist with the help of my Apple Watch)*
Another thing is to be in a room by yourself. I read in many books that people with ADHD or ASD should not be in a open office environment. And it doesn’t matter if you have the best noice cancelling headphones. It wont work. Too much distractions.
Do something you enjoy doing! That helps a lot.
If I don’t enjoy something I wont do it. ITs just that simple. School forced me to do so many awful things, why should I keep doing that to me now?
Don’t forget to give yourself a reward after you done something great! Like a chocolate bar, ice-cream you name it!
My Art Journey
Okey, last week I had plans on doing Halloween illustrations. Like that Bat one. Did not work out. But somehow I gained new inspiration and drew not just one, but TWO halloween illustrations. One of which is that bat illustration I mention last week that became boring 😁
Some days the creativity is just gone, but then, proof its back in full force! Better get use of it all when it arrive, right?

(First Image) One night I got inspiration to draw a Zombie for halloween. So I found a nice pose in my Pose app. And started to draw.
Little did I know I already made a similar one last year. But this new one I got really happy with. Made it a bit moody and dark. Night time and all. I’m liking it 😁
Done in Affinity Designer.
(Second Image) Remember that Bat Illustration from last week that I got bored off?
Well I was able to complete it one late night 😁
Texture is in raster but everything is all done in Vector. I feel proud over myself.
Done in Affinity Designer
About that zombie illustration. Last year I did a very similar one. Same app, same pose and all. Just this time I changed the muscle in the app to resemble more of a zombie. And change it up a little, different clothes, eye out instead of just gone. No fully illustration. And just one pumpkin.
I’m liking the smaller illustration one, and not a fully one. Take less time.
Also I own more costume brushes compare to last time.
Both of them was made in Affinity Designer.
So the question is, which one do you like more?
Finding a Art Style
How do you find an art style? Well you don’t. It finds you!
Many beginner artist is searching for that one art style of theirs 24/7. Just stop okey. You will not find it.
I tried to be like that too, it just made me angry in the end. Art should be fun and relaxing. Not the opposite.
And even if you do find your art style, that style will evolve though the years.
Because you get new knowledge about all things you like to draw.
Just look at other artist. Check how their art is today, and later find something that is at least 5+ years old. Does it look the same? No it will not. The composition will be better. Coloring too. Among a lot of things.
So don’t search for you art style. It will find you. And it will evolve as long as you keep drawing 😊
Art Book Review
Atey Ghailan is a artist from Sweden and later moved to USA. I believe he still lives there.
This book is about his little art journey.
You will get some back story about him. His beautiful artworks. Some studies and even talks about a game he been working on.
He teamed up with 3Dtotal Publishing to do this book. Nice book to have in your collection of inspiration. Inspiration to read about the artist.
Question of the week:
What is your favorite holiday of the year? (Like chistmas, halloween, eastern, etc)
Mine is Christmas!
I love Halloween! And I love both of the zombies!
I like christmas and halloween too!