Hello !
Halloween is like TOMORROW! (Tuesday is the official day)
Gosh this year have passed so fast! And much faster than I thought when living alone with my dog.
Anyhow, do you celebrate Halloween? I know in the USA is very big. Here in Sweden none.
Okey you can buy some mask, but it’s in the shadow of all the Christmas decoration.
Seriously the Christmas decoration came up in most stores in September! 😱 Isn’t that little overkill?
Paperlike iPad Cover
I own the iPad Pro 12,9” 2020, and got it same year it came out. And with that I got a OtterBox cover.
But that cover is starting to fall a part! Like seriously! I can just pick it a part….
So it was time to get a new one.
Sure Otterbox is more of a safer cover against impact etc. And the new one from Paperlike is not. It does not have edges like Otterbox.
But I take very good care about my stuff, and I have not dropped it so far. (pepper pepper take in wood)
So I bought Paperlike's Charcoal Folio Case! It’s way cheaper than Apple Original ones. By a lot!
And I have always wanted to buy something from Paperlike. Been aiming on their screen protector but never done it.
It was very easy to get it on. The only downside is the flap. It keeps going back to its original place… And that can be on the screen if I let it be. And I don’t want that.
Other than that, it’s very beautiful. It’s sturdy too so you can use it as a base for drawing.
Now my iPad feel very naked because it does not have any edges 🤣
The Only downside I have with this cover is that the back is still magnetic! I mean it! When you flap the cover it doesn’t get in the way, it stay still and that is good! But because it very magnetic on the back, if you get close to another metal surface, it get stuck…
There is no thing called ”Special Interests”
I recently read the book Autismhandboken (Autism handbook)
By Katarina A. Sörngård
Sadly I don’t own it, I borrow it.
But I did learn one thing that is about the special interest people keep talking about when it comes to people with the Autism Spectrum.
Quote: ”Some people think that everyone who has autism also has a special interest, but this is not the case. However, it is more common to have interests that you become completely engrossed in. After a while, it may be another interest that fascinates.”
So saying we have special interest is false. We can be very interested in stuff, but that can change overtime.
It has for me, MANY times!
When in high school I wanted to become a musician.
After a Pro Mountain biker, Downhill.
And now it’s art. But art is not just a big interest, I wanna work as a freelance artist. And also it helps with my health problems.
The thing is, I can just one night start searching about tsunamis or volcanoes. And it takes up my whole night.
Just because a person with ASD get interested in something, does not mean it’s a ”special Interest”. It means we will learn this shit to the ground up, and be extremely good about the topic later!
My Art Journey
My creativity have been a roller-coaster lately. Might blame my headache for that. Also been very tired, hard to get out of bed. And to top it off very moody weather…. Where did all the happiness go?
I was working on a Halloween Bat illustration. It was fun working on it at the beginning, but after a while it was not fun anymore. This happens a lot for me. It feels good in the beginning but slowly fade away.
Was trying to do it in vector only. But I guess Vector takes too much time still for little me, and I get bored. Maybe it’s better to just include vector here and there and not JUST vector.

(First Image) When I was writing the script for my Art Journey podcast, I started to talk a lot about Digimon and how it inspired me to draw. So I just had to draw a Digimon and Omnimon became my experiment. And I ended up liking how it turned out! One of my favoirtes done in Desginer so far. Done in Affinity Designer
(Second Image) One day scrolling some very nice pictures on Vero I came an across a mountain with clouds. And I just wanted to draw my little version of it all. And at the same time experiment with landscape painting. Done in Affinity Photo.
I forgot how to Render 😞
Sometimes when I do art I somehow forget how to even Render light and shadow.
To be honest I don’t know why it even happens.
Every drawing I do the light and shadows just look very off. Either I placing the shadows wrong. Or the light source becomes weird, either by having the wrong colors or wrong layer mode…
This is so frustrating to get into. Feeling that you have forgotten years of hard work, out of the window. Pooff.
Or does this happen because you might have taken in too much info about the topic from too many places? And your brain don’t really compute with it?
Could be the cause for me and my ADHD brain. When I see one way to colors something by one artist I try to mimic that. Until I see the next, and the next.
Maybe it’s just better to step back few steps and watch just that one course (or read a book) of the one type of rendering you wanna focus on more.
I think I need to do this and I know the courses I wanna focus on. Courses by Aaron Blaise. He has two, one called Color & light and another Called dynamic lightning. I do recommend these two a lot!
Question for the week!
What is your favorite Ice-cream flavor?
Mine is called Polka 😁