Hello everyone! 🕯️🕯️
For many years I have been dragged to all the negative shit on Twitter. Tried a few times to stop and just focus on what I like.
But lately it’s been worse. Only reading about the negative shit around the world. How stupid so many people around the world really is and so on.
And when cops started to play that stupid on Twitter against me I was just done with it all.
I deleted the app off my phone! And never looked back.
I was not getting seen since Musk took over. Growing over there was a gamble. Too much energy wasted on crap instead of using that to do something fun.
Like drawing, playing video games, outside taking photos.
Been trying to stop using Twitter, but now I just got so tired of it all and just did it. Sometimes having impulses thanks to my ADHD is great!
Have you done something drastic like this recently?
(Btw my screen time went from 2h to like 30min each day)
Using The PARA Method
Organizing my stuff has always been a mess for me. You should have seen my locker in school… Paper and books everywhere.
I did clean it up now and then, but after a week it was back to 0.
But a bigger mess was the file system on my hard drive.
Sometimes I had no idea where I put the file I would work on. Especially when it came to my graphic design work.
And I could not search for because I had no idea what I named it, because it might been a while since last time I open it.
Yea you might see where I’m going with it?
The other year I read the book ”Building a Second Brain” by Tiago Forte. And I really loved that book.
But for some reason I didn’t not follow it fully.
Now he released another book, a companion to the first that explain the PARA method more in depth. And now I have fully started to use it!
And to be honest, even a person with ADHD can use it method!
Sure it takes some time before you remember where you put the stuff. Which one is in Projects. Other in resources and so on. But after a while you do remember it.
PARA method has 4 places. Projects, Areas, Resources and Archives.
🟠Projects: Where you keep projects that has an end date in sight.
🟠Areas: Is the place where you keep stuff that will never end. Like taxes.
🟠Resources: Here you keep all the interest stuff you learn in your days. You never know when they come to good use.
🟠Archives: And when you are done with a project its end up in here.
Easy system right?
I don’t understand why I did not start with this earlier. 😁
My Art Journey
We had a real good winter last week. But it’s starting to melt now. It went from -13c to 3c within a day or two….
But I was able to do take some nice photos while I had the chance!
When it comes to Youtube I had a wierd creative week. I was planning on writing a script for my Frame study video that I’m working on.
I had to scratch the script TWICE! Because I didn’t really know what the video was going to be about. Should I talk about the good stuff of doing frame study or just talk about my process of mind.
It ended up becoming about the process. So next video I’m gonna write these stuff down before I even start something.😁
Was able to complete my Toji Frame Study at last! (from Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2) And I’m very happy how it all turned out! And video is coming some time next year 😊
All done in Affinity Designer.
And speaking of video. I have a new one. A video I follow the step in a recent book I did a review off.
First Impression of ArtWod!
During black month/week/Day I saw Artwod had 30% off their yearly subscription. I have had my eyes on this art site for a while and always wanted to try it out. But because of money reason I was unable to, until now.
They offer a free version so you could just check out what they offer. Some modules are free others closed, but you can still see what each class has to offer and if something interests you.
And it did peak my interests.
I went with Premium version so I could unlock all the classes. They do offer written feedback, but only on beginners courses. The drawing beginner course was not for me at all. But the painting one I will do. When I get there.
They give assignments and for some reason I’m doing them 😱. I’m liking this site a lot!
A full written review will come next year.
Just know one thing, I loving it!
Fundamentals of Character Design
This book from 3Dtotal will give you all you need to start creating your own characters !
They will talk about how to do you research before you create. Line of action, shapes and much more.
And because different artist is in this book you get different styles of characters.
You will get pages full of characters doing poses, using tools and much more. You will get something useful out of this book for sure!
And at the end of the book they give you categories to create your own character.
I love the PARA method too!
"The other year I read the book ”Building a Second Brain” by Tiago Forte. And I really loved that book.
But for some reason I didn’t not follow it fully.
Now he released another book, a companion to the first that explain the PARA method more in depth. And now I have fully started to use it!"
First of all, thank you for allowing me to comment! Haha
Second, I will check out the second brain book.
Third, I watched your video about Procreate landscapes. I don't need that resource right now but I will make a note for later in case I need it.